"The people of the country had joined with the friars of the surrounding hermitages, bearing torches and candles to lighten the darkness of this night which, like a star, has shone for centuries and will shine forever. Winding up the mountain, the procession wended its way toward the spot where - between a great ox and a little donkey - the Crib was set up. Under the great trees it was as light as day, and from rock to rock the echo reverberated of the chanting of the friars, mingled with the pious refrains of the crowd. Standing before the Crib, torn with compassion and filled with unspeakable joy, the Poverello, sighing deeply, awaited them.
"The Mass commenced, at an altar placed in an overhanging niche. Never, the celebrant himself confessed, had he experienced such consolation while offering the Holy Sacrifice. Vested in the dalmatic, Francis assisted as deacon. At the proper moment, he intoned the Gospel in a sonorous voice; then he preached a sermon to proclaim the joys of Heaven to those men of good will who had flocked to his appeal. In words honey-sweet he spoke of the poor King who twelve centuries before, on such a night, was born in the little town of Bethlehem, calling him either 'JESUS' or the 'Babe of Bethlehem' like a bleating lamb. And whenever one of these divine names occured in his sermon, he would pass his tongue over his lips that he might longer taste their sweetness.
"Thus it was a night marvelous above all other nights; and we must not be surprised that GOD afterward wished to shower down HIS blessings upon his blessed spot. Many sick folk recovered their health here and even domestic animals who ate a few stalks of hay from the Crib were cured. For it is true that on this hay the Savior of the world had miraculously rested.
"John Velita in fact reported that he saw the Little JESUS asleep on it, and that there was a moment when the Divine Infant awakened, opened His eyes, and smiled at St. Francis.
"This stupendous vision, according to Thomas of Celano and St. Bonaventure, rewarded the zeal of the pious Lord of Greccio; but it likewise symbolized the admirable work accomplished on earth by him who reawakened the faith slumbering in men's hearts - faith in JESUS CHRIST our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end, amen. Alleluia! Alleluia!"
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